You may think you can save some money by buying a used furnace from a friend or someone on Craigslist. There are several reasons why this is a bad idea.
It’s Not Under Warranty
When you buy a new furnace, it comes with a manufacturer warranty. A used furnace won’t be covered by a warranty, even if it’s relatively new. Most warranties state they only apply to the original owner. Those that allow a transfer of ownership typically require that the furnace remains in the home where it was installed.
Most HVAC Companies Won’t Work On Them
Most contractors won’t work on a used furnace. Reputable HVAC companies won’t install a furnace that has an unknown origin and didn’t come from ordinary distribution channels. If the furnace didn’t work right after they installed it, they would be liable for anything that goes wrong with it, which isn’t a risk most are willing to take.
Batey Brothers Heating & Cooling in Huntsville, AL is a Bryant furnace dealer. We have many top-rated furnaces to choose from.
More Likely to Need Repairs
A used furnace is more likely to need repairs than one that is new. Furnaces have several parts that aren’t designed to be moved once they’re installed. All the parts must be connected right. When they aren’t, the result is expensive repair bills.
Wrong Size for Your Home
HVAC companies perform calculations to ensure they recommend the right furnace size for your home. One that is too large or small won’t work as it should. For example, one too large for your home will short-cycle as it heats your home too fast and then quickly shuts down.
It Won’t Operate Efficiently
A used furnace can’t operate as efficiently as it’s designed to. This means you will have very high energy bills during the winter.
At Batey Brothers Heating & Cooling, we repair, replace and maintain heat pumps, air conditioners, furnaces, geothermal systems, and packaged systems. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services.